Reiki is a hands-on form of Healing Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing practice that uses this “universal life force energy”. It is not a religion or voodoo. It can benefit anyone. regardless of their religious or spiritual beliefs. Reiki utilizes our body’s innate ability to heal itself. Reiki can heal on a physical, […]
Tagged: healing
What is Reiki? And Why Do You Need a Healing
May 5th, 2021 | healingHow to read energy with a pendulum
April 6th, 2021 | healingHere is a demonstration how to read energy with a pendulum. If you are a light worker feeling energy is a skill and a must. Everyone can feel energy, all it takes is practice. This short video is a snippet of a 5-part course series that Certified Energy Medicine Helen Chin Lui developed – How […]
Replace Letting Go With Dusting Off Negativity
March 19th, 2021 | healingReplace Letting it Go with Dusting Off Negativity We all move through life with different expectations, experiences, and stress factors. Learning how to overcome negative thought patterns, stress, and life’s challenges are real. I believe one thing we all can agree upon is that we all have stress. Stress is relative to how well we […]
Video: Reiki Healing Meditation
February 17th, 2021 | healingReiki Healing Meditation For those interested incorporating alternative therapies into their daily wellness program each week Robin and Helen explores various aspects of holistic healing practice and we end with a healing meditation. Please join Reiki Masters Robin Bornstein and Helen Chin Lui of the for a live Reiki Healing Meditation every tuesday at […]
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