Do you know what your kidneys do for you 24-7? The urinary system’s primary purposes are to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and blood pressure, while maintaining electrolytes and regulating metabolism and blood Ph. The kidneys are part of the renal system including the ureters, bladder, and urethra which serve as passage, […]
Tagged: holistic medicine
Kidney Support to Prevent Kidney Stones with Foot Reflexology Self Care Video Course
December 3rd, 2021 | holistic medicineChakra 101 Know Your Energy – 12 part Energy Medicine Video Course
December 1st, 2021 | holistic medicineAre Your Chakras Healthy? We need healthy chakras to have a positive energy flow. If your chakras are healthy, you will be able to fight off energy crashes and energy imbalances that are the primary cause of physical illnesses and emotional pain. Chakras 101 Know Your Energy. Chakras are so Important to Your Health Chakras […]
Asthma, COVID, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief with Hand Reflexology Video Course
November 29th, 2021 | holistic medicineTake Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Hand Reflexology Healing Everyone is afraid of contracting air borne bacteria that can affect their respiratory functions. There are many ways you can protect your health by taking basic protective measures. In the warm months moist air promotes mucus production that coats the nose and respiratory […]
Stressed about money? Break the scarcity cycle Some people attract money with ease and some struggle to make enough. There is enough abundance for everyone. Join the 6k viewers who broke their scarcity cycle
November 17th, 2021 | holistic medicineStressed about money? Break the scarcity cycle Some people attract money with ease and some struggle to make enough. There is enough abundance for everyone. Join the 6k viewers who broke their scarcity cycle. Attracting Financial Powers in 6 Ways Healing Place LLC Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the […]
Chakra Healing – Read, Feel, and Interpret Positive Energy – Online Course
November 14th, 2021 | holistic medicineSee, Feel, and Interpret the World of Energy! Even though we are surrounded by energy but we miss vital information all of the time. How did we lose our ability to see, observe, and feel? Instead of being mindful of life’s cues, we dismiss these messages because we rush through the process or ignore them. How […]
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