
Tagged: mind body connection

Mindfulness to Relieve Stress and Anxiety – Online Course

August 14th, 2022 | mind body connection

Using Mindfulness to Relieve Stress and Anxiety Mindfulness can be the solution for your overall well being. Research has found that when you are able to create a little space between yourself and what you’re experiencing, your anxiety can soften. Beware. If you get too used to that underlying feeling of stress, it can gradually […]

Mind-Body Connection Through Daily Practices – 3 Video Courses

December 17th, 2021 | mind body connection
mind body spirit

Mind-Body Connection Through Daily Practices Mind-body connection? We all heard of this term, mind-body connection, but what is it? How is our mind connected to our body? Some wonder if the mind is part of the body or the body the part of the mind? And which one dominates. The mind and the body are not […]

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