
Tagged: self care

Video: Face Reflexology to Relieve Congestion and Sinus Headache

February 15th, 2021 | self care

Face Reflexology to Relieve Congestion and Sinus Headache I was working to clearing and unblocking Celina’s sinuses and thought what a wonderful opportunity to film this face reflexology demonstration and help others who are having the same problem. You can break up head congestion caused by a cold by knowing where to press on your […]

Video: Gout Pain Relief With Foot Reflexology Tip

February 7th, 2021 | self care
pressing on foot reflexology

Video: Gout Relief – Reflexology Tip A client whose husband who has gout is in pain. The gout has affect his feet, specifically in his left big toe. She asked me to show her foot reflexology tip to help him find gout pain relief. What is Gout? Gout is a form of arthritis that can […]

Video: Self Care Is Essential For COVID Prevention

January 21st, 2021 | self care
self care isn't selfish

Self Care Is Essential For COVID Prevention Now that we have the time to focus on our self-care regime, self-care has become a crucial practice for COVID-19 prevention. The outbreak of COVID-19 worldwide is overwhelmingly stressful, causing insurmountable fear and stress for adults and children. As hundreds of thousands of people contracted the illness and […]

Video: Tinniutus Pain Relief with Hand, Foot, and Ear Reflexology Tips

September 7th, 2020 | self care
hands on head

Healing Place’s subscriber wrote to us asking for a reflexology tip to help her mother quiet the Tinnitus Pain in her ear. Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui shows where the pain relief points are the ears, hands, and feet. 

Needed Self Care During Pandemic

April 15th, 2020 | self care
man woman children cooking

Needed Self Care During Pandemic We are all doing our part to control the growth of pandemic by practicing self-quarantine and social distancing; the sooner we can resume some level of normalcy. I am hoping very much you are comfortable and safe in your home and with your family. I think life will be better […]

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