
Tagged: sinuses

Suffering from Seasonal Allergies? Reflexology Tip

May 18th, 2015 | sinuses
girl blowing her nose

Has spring greeted you with sniffling, sneezing, congestion and runny, itchy eyes, nose and throat? Experts say that this allergy season is more intense than usual, dubbing as a “pollen tsunami,” especially in the Northeast. After a long, wet winter, everything has seemingly bloomed all at once. Beautiful, yes, but if you have sensitivities to […]

Sinus and Post Nasal Drip Hand Reflexology Tip

April 4th, 2015 | sinuses

If you have sinus and post nasal drip, try this quick and easy hand reflexology tip. It will only take a couple of minutes to work both hands. If you would like more information how reflexology can help you, free free to call the Healing Place Medfield at 508 359-6463 to schedule a consultation. https://youtu.be/4VY93vnyAGo

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