
Tagged: skin

Food Elimination for Anti-Inflammation

June 18th, 2019 | skin

Elimination Diet If you and your doctor feel that you have a food allergy, your doctor will help you to figure out what foods trigger your allergic reactions. Starting with an elimination diet, your doctor will help you decide which foods to start eliminating, probably starting with the common food allergies: dairy, soy, wheat or […]

How Does Your Digestive Tract Affects Your Skin?

November 8th, 2017 | skin

Our skin is our largest organ. Not only does it protect us from the elements, bacteria, toxins from entering our bodies, but it also keeps our organs from falling out of our body. Studies have shown that stress and gut inflammation can damage the protective function and integrity of the epidermal barrier.

The Many Benefits of the Lonely Cucumber

July 26th, 2015 | skin

We take the cucumber for granted, but do you know about the many benefits? 1. Helps Hydrate You When you meet your specific water needs youā€™ll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins. Youā€™ll have more energy and help […]

Cucumber Tea for Health and Vitality

July 24th, 2015 | skin

Hydrate yourself this summer with this miracle tonic- Infuse cucumber slices in a jug of water and keep sipping throughout the day. Watch the yearsĀ dropping away from your face and say hello to a glowing new you! Cucumber water also does wonders for your body by nourishing it with the minerals and extra vitamins it […]

Body Brushing: Make it a Daily Habit for Health

May 31st, 2015 | skin

Dry skin brushing is one of the healthiest self-help methods available to us today. The best part is that it takes seconds to do, can be done in the comfort of your own home, and is painless and cost free. Variations of skin brushing have been practiced for thousands of years. For many centuries, the […]

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