
Tagged: sugar

Is Sugar More Addicting Than Cocaine?

March 25th, 2021 | sugar
white-brown- and-brown-sugar

As I learn more about sugar and what sugar can do to a body the more aware of how much sugar I am eating daily. Most of my sugar intake comes from grain products and fruit smoothies. Even though I am not a big fruit eater but I love drinking fruit smoothies. As healthy as […]

Do You Really Know How Much Sugar You Are Eating?

June 15th, 2016 | sugar

Of all the dietary causes of obesity, consumption of added sugar leads the charge. A wealth of information now exists on the ever-increasing amounts of sugar steadily added to the American diet over the past several decades, largely in the form of packaged and processed foods. Here are the top 5 offenders: Soda and Energy/Sports […]

How to Fight Those Sugar Cravings

April 27th, 2016 | sugar

Oh no…the sweet treats are luring you…again! You’re at your weakest at 4pm and 10pm. And, if you’re honest, you give into them more than you’d like too. You’ve tried the dark chocolate thing…but, you know, the entire bar somehow goes in two days. You’ve justified cacao dusted almonds – they’re just almonds with a […]

Did You Know That Eating Almonds Can Make You Sleepy?

August 9th, 2015 | sugar

Since diabetes runs in my family I decided to start a diet geared towards preventing diabetes after my last visit to the doctor who said that my blood sugar numbers were high. (Oh crap!) After our appointment, he instructed me to make an appointment with a dietitian to help me with my food plan (not […]

How To Detox Every Day Through Simple Food Choices

June 24th, 2015 | sugar

Did you know that digesting food requires more energy than any other function in the human body? It’s no wonder we’re exhausted after a big lunch! It stands to reason, then, that the best way to free up some extra energy is to make our digestion as quick and efficient as possible. This extra energy […]

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