Oh no…the sweet treats are luring you…again! You’re at your weakest at 4pm and 10pm. And, if you’re honest, you give into them more than you’d like too. You’ve tried the dark chocolate thing…but, you know, the entire bar somehow goes in two days. You’ve justified cacao dusted almonds – they’re just almonds with a superfood, right? And you’ve gone cold turkey on all sugar, including fruit, only to find yourself eating nut butter straight from the jar (it’s sugar-free)! And now you think you have a nut addiction. What’s a sugar-craving person to do?

Want to read more and learn ways to curb your sugar cravings? Click here, for 8 methods on kicking sugar’s butt.


Interested in holistic health, reiki, or reflexology? The Healing Place Medfield is dedicated to helping our clients to find quick relief from pain and discomfort associated with digestive disorders, chronic pain, as well as balancing hormones and stress naturally. For more information, call (508) 359-6463 to schedule a free consultation.

For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing” click here.

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