
Energy Medicine

Become a #ConsciousEater with #Mindfulness #ReflexologyNearMe #EnergyMedicinefortheSoul #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

November 14th, 2023 | Energy Medicine

I’m amazed at how we unconsciously eat and don’t know much about the food we eat, let alone knowing if we are eating nutritiously. Mindfully take control over the way you eat and don’t let food dictate how you should eat.  Unconscious eating, also known as mindless or emotional eating, occurs for various psychological, physiological, […]

Take the First Step to Your Spiritual Journey – Your Awakening Process #EnergyMedicine #OpenYourChakras #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

November 4th, 2023 | Energy Medicine

Spiritual tip of the day – in the universe, each one of us has a destiny box with our names on it. This destiny box contains all of your dreams, desires, and hopes. Most people fear opening their destiny box because they think they aren’t worthy of the treasures. The contents belong to you regardless […]

Manage Edema with Life Style Changes and Reflexology #ManageEdema #FootReflexologyforEdema #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

October 1st, 2023 | Energy Medicine

Edema can affect any area of the body. It happens for various reasons when the body cannot maintain fluid levels. Kidney or cardiovascular diseases often cause the body to retain fluid in the feet, hands, and ankles, causing stiffness, aching, and weight fluctuations. Try some life style changes and add Reflexology to your wellness program.  […]

Incorporate Energy Medicine into Your Health Program #EnergyMedicine #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

September 29th, 2023 | Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is a holistic approach to healing and well-being based on the concept that the body’s energy systems play a crucial role in physical, mental, and emotional health. Learn about energy medicine by understanding what your chakras do Energy medicine is about understanding your body’s subtle energy fields, often called “life force” or “vital […]

COVID is on the Rise! Try HandReflexology to Build Your #ImmuneSystemAgainstCovid #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe

September 17th, 2023 | Energy Medicine

COVID, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief and Support with Hand Reflexology plus E-Book COVID is on the rise. Is it time to wear a mask again? Or begin to go into hiding? In the meantime, you can build your immune system with diet, sleep, and managing your stress with hand reflexology to build your immune system. […]

Increase Positive Energy With #Mindfulness #PositiveEnergyFlow #ReikiNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

September 13th, 2023 | Energy Medicine

Being conscious of the energy we emit and express is crucial for fostering positive connections and maintaining a harmonious environment. Our positive or negative energy has a ripple effect on us and those around us. Positive energy can uplift and inspire, while negative energy can bring down the mood and create tension.  By being mindful […]

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