
Energy Medicine

Reflexologist Gets a Reflexology Session

October 16th, 2020 | Energy Medicine

The Reflexologist Gets a Reflexology Session It’s not often that Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui gets a reflexology session and she loves these sessions. Unfortunately, there aren’t many qualified and certified reflexologists in Massachusetts. In fact, they are scarce. Find a Qualified and Certified Reflexologist If you find a good Reflexologist stick with the person. She […]

Invitation to Weekly Live Reiki Healing Meditation

August 31st, 2020 | Energy Medicine
woman in blue put hands on gray shirt

I want to invite you to my weekly Live Reiki Healing Meditation with my co-hostess Reiki Master and Meditation Faciltator Robin Bornstein.

How Your Amazing Nervous System Supports Your Positive Energy Flow

August 22nd, 2020 | Energy Medicine
purple book 3 ways to connect to your spirit guides

The human brain is composed of approximately 86 billion nerve cells known as neurons. Neurons are our body’s information messengers.

Video: Self Care During Quarantine

April 10th, 2020 | Energy Medicine
elderly holding hands

Hang In There! This week I had the pleasure of talking to Shaman Sue Angelo about how to manage our energy during the COVID-19 pandemic. What we once we as a schedule is no more. We no longer go to work, but work from home. Instead of going to school, our children are attending school […]

Valentine Day Can be a Day of Self-Love

February 12th, 2020 | Energy Medicine

Valentine Day Can be a Day of Self-Love Valentine’s Day is one of those days that you either observe with love or disdain. When my children were young, I would spend a tremendous amount of time making special foods for them and their dad. I would always make a special dinner and a chocolate cake […]

Break Addictions with Mindfulness

December 22nd, 2019 | Energy Medicine

Break Addictions with Mindfulness We all are addicted to something. For me, I like to work. I work a lot. Work gives me a feeling of achievement.  I also know my work benefits the Healing Place’s clients, readers, and subscribers to the Healing Place’s social media platform. The feeling I get is fulfillment and living […]

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