The Reflexologist Gets a Reflexology Session It’s not often that Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui gets a reflexology session and she loves these sessions. Unfortunately, there aren’t many qualified and certified reflexologists in Massachusetts. In fact, they are scarce. Find a Qualified and Certified Reflexologist If you find a good Reflexologist stick with the person. She […]

I want to invite you to my weekly Live Reiki Healing Meditation with my co-hostess Reiki Master and Meditation Faciltator Robin Bornstein.

The human brain is composed of approximately 86 billion nerve cells known as neurons. Neurons are our body’s information messengers.

Hang In There! This week I had the pleasure of talking to Shaman Sue Angelo about how to manage our energy during the COVID-19 pandemic. What we once we as a schedule is no more. We no longer go to work, but work from home. Instead of going to school, our children are attending school […]

Valentine Day Can be a Day of Self-Love Valentine’s Day is one of those days that you either observe with love or disdain. When my children were young, I would spend a tremendous amount of time making special foods for them and their dad. I would always make a special dinner and a chocolate cake […]

Break Addictions with Mindfulness We all are addicted to something. For me, I like to work. I work a lot. Work gives me a feeling of achievement. I also know my work benefits the Healing Place’s clients, readers, and subscribers to the Healing Place’s social media platform. The feeling I get is fulfillment and living […]
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