

Exercise Your Spirit – Take 5 and Meditate

March 20th, 2013 | Meditation

Exercise Your Spirit – Take 5 and Meditate With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated.

Cancer – Quieting the Cancer Meditation

March 7th, 2013 | Meditation

In honor or my brother who passed away from lung cancer in 2011 at the age of 53. I made this meditation video to help anyone who is suffering from cancer who wants to learn how to quiet down cancer cells. I have taught  many clients with cancer how to focus on their body to  […]

Find the Time to Meditate!

December 29th, 2012 | Meditation

I just read a great article I would like to share with you, on why we should all meditate.  Not only does meditation give your soul a rest, it quiets down the monkey in your head, and helps you to find your inner peace.  If you can find 5 minutes every day to meditate, not […]

The Healing Power of Meditation

July 4th, 2012 | Meditation

Each day we get up and think about what we are going to do for the day. How we coordinate our schedules to coincide with our family members, co workers, clients and everyone who matters to us on the planet. How do we make everyone happy and comfortable? We give to the point where we […]

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