Post-Nasal Drip and Congestion Relief So many people are looking for relief from that drippy nose that won’t stop dripping! What about that postnasal drip that you are swallowing that is burning your stomach? Is your throat also scratchy? Do you just not feeling well? Relief is here! Why Are There More Respiratory Illnesses in […]
Post-Nasal Drip and Congestion Relief – Hand Reflexology Tip
March 3rd, 2020 | painHow do we condition ourselves to ignore pain? – FREE Facebook Live Chat, 9/19 8PM EST
September 12th, 2016 | painMany of us understand the physical symptoms of pain, but what about the emotional aspect of pain or pain that get stuck on a cellular level? We can control physical and emotional pain through medication or talk therapy. But what happens when the pain doesn’t go away and medication no longer work as well?
Quiet Your Pain and Make Friends with It! – Facebook Live Chats
September 1st, 2016 | painCertified Reflexologist and Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui is getting ready to take her healing program to the next level. As much as she loves to work with clients face-to- face she wants to share her knowledge beyond her office with millions of people who suffer daily from chronic pain. Many of us […]
9 Things Only Someone With Chronic Pain Understands
March 19th, 2016 | painAs many as a third of Americans suffer from chronic pain—a full third! If you’re one of those people for whom low back pain, headaches, arthritis, or one of a long list of other conditions makes daily life a struggle, these nine experiences probably ring way too true. Getting up in the morning is no […]
Tackling Chronic Pain Without Opioids is not an Easy Process for Veterans and Others
March 14th, 2016 | painMany veterans suffer from chronic pain resulting from their service to the country. Many veterans also face issues with overuse of opioids that help ease that pain. Using nontraditional therapies to help solve the first problem without contributing to the second was one of the questions that came up Friday at an unusual congressional subcommittee […]
Exercising Without Triggering a Migraine or Headache
May 19th, 2015 | painAs a “migraineur” your dilemma may be “to exercise or not to exercise.” It’s a delicate balancing act, but one, done correctly and within the parameters of your own migraine experience, can have great advantages. For the good of your overall health, exercising is beneficial. You should start slowly. Try walking at a slow pace. […]
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