In modernized sections of Singapore, as well as Malaysia, and Taiwan, it’s common to see mosaic pebble paths winding through parks, spas, and condo complexes. Architects didn’t create them to be contemplated like some Zen koan— the purpose was to encourage barefoot walking. The paths were designed using the concept of reflexology, where a therapist applies pressure to points in the foot that are supposed to correspond with organs and zones of the body. But the reflexology paths have other proven benefits. A study published in the journal Journal of American Geriatrics Society found that regular walking on cobblestones can reduce blood pressure and improve balance (it also gives your feet and calves an amazing stretch). You can get similar benefits by walking—not running—barefoot for 20 minutes over river, beach, or garden rocks (it may feel uncomfortable the first time, but your feet will adapt).
Tips for Walking a Reflexology Path
- Walk each section of the path at your own pace, following instructions and breath slowly. Your feet may be tender at first, so start with just a few steps.
- For the best acupressure effect, walk barefoot, in socks or with soft-soled shoes.
- Use the hand-railing for balance assistance and for rocking exercises to the arch of the foot. Rest on benches between walking sessions and massage areas of soreness on your feet.
- After walking the reflexology path, drink water to help flush away toxins
If you want to find a reflexology foot path, google “Reflexology foot path” in your area or state. More foot paths are being built every day.
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