Certified Reflexologist, Helen Chin Lui received a certificate in Ear, Hand and Foot Reflexology course for Musculoskeletal pain relief. This was an intensive three day program. She learned how to combine ear, hand and foot Reflexology techniques to help clients find relief from joint pain. Very powerful therapy.
Clients who have had this combined therapy loved it. Clients noted that they experienced reduced or no pain at all, and as an added bonus clients found the combined Reflexology sessions to be extremely relaxing. In fact, some clients were actually groggy when they got off the massage table, and had to sit a while before leaving.
In a one hour reflexology session, strategic points are pressed on the toes, hands and the ears which send healing messages to the brain. The brain recognizes these messages and prompts the body to immediately start the healing process. The Healing Place has observed that it takes approximately four healing sessions to effectively quiet down joint inflammation. Clients have found the therapy to be very helpful.
To make an appointment or to learn more about ear, hand and foot reflexology therapy please call the Healing Place at 508 359-6463 or email us at [email protected]
Helen Chin Lui is a certified Reflexologist and certified Energy Medicine practitioner. She is the owner and founder of the Healing Place located in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping clients to break the cycle of digestive disorders. The Healing Place also offers free 30-minute consultations by calling 508 359-6463. For more information about the Healing Place, visit www.healingplacemedfield.com
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