On November 11, 2013, I was a guest on “Living with Hope” with Trudy Thomas on blogtalkradio.com. The theme? How Reflexology can help people with chronic pain find long lasting relief.  I was asked if Reflexology can help to break the pain cycle of different variety of arthritis? I have also been very successful with helping people to find relief, especially with rheumatoid.  How is this done? At the bottom of our feet, we have more than 7,200 nerve endings. Each nerve ending is attached to every organ, gland, tissue, bone, muscle, etc.
For arthritic pain, there are many reflex points on the spine to help release pain (the right spine is located under the big toe of the right foot and the left side of the spine on the left foot). By pressing on these points with the thumb or finger, thousands of messages are being sent to the brain.  The brain begins to recognize where the energy imbalances are, and then messages are sent to rebalance the energy in that part of the body.
What makes reflexology so great? It is non-invasive, easy to do on yourself and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Don’t know how?  Try this 3 minute, hand reflexology tip to release stress and pain in the shoulders, arms, legs and back.  It’s quick and easy! Relief is at your fingertips.

If you missed the show. It’s not too late. Catch it here!


If you have health conditions that no one is able to help with and you would like to investigate how reflexology and energy medicine can help you, the Healing Place offers a FREE 60-minute consultation. Call 508 359-6463 to schedule a consultation today.

The Healing Place has helped hundreds of people to find long last relief from their chronic pain, digestive issues and balance hormones naturally.

Helen Chin Lui is a certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine and Reiki Practitioner. She is the founder and owner of the Healing Place in Medfield. She specializes in helping people with chronic digestive disorders. For her free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healing” click here for your free report.

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