BY JOE REARDON, Hometown Weekly
• Wed, Feb 25, 2015

As she worked her way up the ladder at the Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Westwood’s Robin Bornstein knew the chance to help people with their everyday problems was as much a calling as it was a job. So it seemed that studying and becoming a practitioner of the relaxation practice of Reiki four years ago was a natural progression for the mother of three.

“Some people do doubt this type of work, but it’s going mainstream and is recognized by the medical profession,” said Bornstein. “Reiki is offered at hospitals. If someone, say, is going in for surgery and is anxious it can help calm and relax them.”

Bornstein had several Reiki healing sessions, which led her to feel more balanced and calm and decided then it was a path she wanted to explore. She has always prided herself on being able to help people in crisis and distress and she views Reiki as an extension of providing calmness and relief.

“I really enjoy helping people navigate what they’re going through,” said Bornstein. “I really love it. We’re all in the same boat. We all have our struggles. Everybody has difficulties with marriage, children and families. Nothing’s handed to anyone. Knowing that about people helps. I definitely buy into there’s a reason and rhyme to why things happen in life.”

A relaxation technique, Reiki is made up of two Japanese words “Rei” which means “universal spirit” and “Ki” which means “life force energy.” The practice is based on the belief than an energy flows through every person. The Reiki practitioner serves helps channel the energy to heal and restore balance within a person’s body. Bornstein dove into the process and became a certified practitioner of Reiki 1 and 2, and Kurdalini Reiki 1, 2 and 3.

The ultimate goal of a Reiki treatment is to induce a sense of positive flow that moves through and around an individual. It focuses on the complete person, which includes body, mind, spirit and soul. As a result, a person can feel a sense of relaxation, serenity and well-being.

Reiki and her own self awareness have brought peace to Bornstein, who admits she used to waste energy worrying about things that never came to fruition and others that she had no control over to begin with.

“I was not present with myself,” she explained.” I would be stressed about life in general – about everything. I stopped going to the ‘what ifs.’ I began to appreciate everyone around me for who they are. I really worked on my inner mind. It’s very meditative. I’m in the present and that’s very comforting. I’m able to breath through things. Being able to look at myself and not have such high expectations of other people is part of my journey.”

Bornstein believes there is a definite trickle-down affect when one person in a group is relaxed and calm. She sees it happen in her own home. “You change one person in the house and everyone notices,” she said.

And through it all, Bornstein believes the power of laughter, and even more importantly, the ability to laugh at oneself, is one of the best paths towards a healthy well-being.

“Being able to find the laughter is a gift,” she said. “You have to learn to let go of mistakes and say ‘That’s in the past and I can still have a good life.”
— Hometown Weekly Staff


Robin Bornstein is a certified Reiki I and II and certified Kundalini Reiki I, II, and III practitioner. Robin has been practicing professional Reiki since 2014. She developed an interest in Reiki out of her own personal spiritual growth and development. Robin specializes in helping children and adults to find relief from stress and pain through Reiki. If you are interested in a Reiki healing, please call Robin at 508 359-6463 to schedule a free consultation.

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