Flu, Cold, Respiratory Health Care

Did you know that In the USA, more than $1 trillion is spent on health care and medicine, but there are still millions of cases of chronic diseases and illnesses? One way to improve your immune system is to build up your immunity with proper nutrients and rest.

Your Immune System Never Shuts Down

The body is constantly under attack by pathogens, allergens, and dangerous microbes that are waiting to grow and spread if your body’s immune system is weak. If your immune system is strong you have a better chance of fighting off foreign substances.  Most health problems are caused by stress and poor diets which compromise the immune system.

Winterized your Health

  • Hand wash – Wash your hands often. Did you know that the common person touches their face 2,000-3,000 times a day?
  • Healthy diet – Eat whole foods and try to eliminate processed foods and foods high in saturated fat.
  • Manage your stress by finding time for yourself and exercising to release stress.
  • Nutritional Supplements – Your body may not be getting enough nutrition or is not able to absorb it properly. You may need additional nutritional supplements.
  • Rest – Get enough rest (8 hours of good sleep)

Flu, Cold, Respiratory Relief with Foot Reflexology

These are simple tips we are offering to you. By being mindful, you can prevent many illnesses.

About the Writer

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine, and Reiki Practitioner/teacher. She is the founder and owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, Massachusetts. Helen specializes in helping people to find relief from chronic digestive disorders, break pain cycles associated with autoimmune diseases, and helps to balance hormones naturally. When Helen is not giving hands-on healing, she is writing books. She authored two books, Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine and Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation.

Schedule a Consultation with Healing Place LLC

Want to learn the health benefits of Reflexology, schedule a free consultation with the Healing Place at 508 359-6463 or go online to www.healingplacemedfield.com.

Healing Place Energy School LLC

Want to learn how to better care for yourself and your loved one with holistic medicine? Become a member of the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com. We offer an array of Energy Medicine, Mindful, Reflexology, Meditations, and Self-Awareness courses that you can take from the privacy of your home. These are empowering self-care and self-help classes that teach lifelong skills.

Personal Growth Books by Helen Chin Lui

Books Know Your Chakra and Foot ReflexologyHelen has authored two incredible personal growth book: Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine and Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation.

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