Best smile of the week Reflexology Serendipity Hi Helen, I hope this finds you healthy and well. After having my reflexology ear sitting on a shelf for a long, I decided to put it into a frame. A natural choice for me being a picture framer. There is no glass and the ear rests on a hanger attached to the fabric mount so it can easily be removed for use. I’ve always appreciated it aesthetically as well as functionally. I am excited to get it home and hang it on thr wall. Here’s a photo I took at the frame shop. Best to you, stay safe! Cheri (Thank you Cheri) If you would like to purchase and a Reflexology model for $19.95 plus shipping #healingplaceenergyschool #Reflexology #EarReflexology #wellness #holistic #tinnitus #smilemoment #healingplaceenergyschool
— Reflexology Near Me at Healing Place Boston-Medfield Massachusetts providing Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Medicine, Healers Program, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Self-Care workshops, Wellness Products and Self-Healing and Stress Reduction Classes available online.
by Helen Chin Lui Certified Reflexologist | Aug 8, 2020 | Wellness |
Best smile of the week
Reflexology Serendipity
Hi Helen,
I hope this finds you healthy and well.
After having my reflexology ear sitting on a shelf for a long, I decided to put it into a frame. A natural choice for me being a picture framer. There is no glass and the ear rests on a hanger attached to the fabric mount so it can easily be removed for use.
I’ve always appreciated it aesthetically as well as functionally. I am excited to get it home and hang it on thr wall.
Here’s a photo I took at the frame shop.
Best to you, stay safe!
Cheri (Thank you Cheri)
If you would like to purchase and a Reflexology model for $19.95 plus shipping
#healingplaceenergyschool #Reflexology #EarReflexology #wellness #holistic #tinnitus #smilemoment #healingplaceenergyschool
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