These feet are gray. She thinks she has #gout in her ankle. People think that gout only happens in the Metatarsal of the big toe but Uric acid can collect in any joint in the body. Gout is a form of #arthritis #reflexology supports #kidney function #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool
These feet are gray. She thinks she has #gout in her ankle. People think that gout only happens in the Metatarsal of the big toe but Uric acid can collect in any joint in the body. Gout is a form of #arthritis #reflexology supports #kidney function #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool
— Reflexology Near Me at Healing Place Boston-Medfield Massachusetts providing Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Medicine, Healers Program, Ionic Detox Foot Bath, Self-Care workshops, Wellness Products and Self-Healing and Stress Reduction Classes available online.
by Helen Chin Lui Certified Reflexologist | May 19, 2021 | Wellness | 0 comments

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