
Tagged: balance energy

Healing Place’s Fertility, Hormonal, and Weight Management Reflexology

January 24th, 2020 | balance energy
hands holding baby feet

Fertility Reflexology Therapy The Reflexology protocol includes fertility support and conscious conception. The endocrine and reproductive systems are emphasized with attention to creating balance within the body. Reflexology can complement any Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), such as IVF, IUI, and ICSI. It is recommended that male partners also participate in fertility reflexology to aid in […]

When Screaming Out of Frustration Isn’t an Option – Energy Medicine Tip

October 2nd, 2019 | balance energy
girl with balloon

When Screaming Out of Frustration Isn’t an Option  – Energy Medicine Tip There are times when we get frustrated and angry, and we want to scream to let out the negative emotions! No one is exempt from frustrations or anger! What if  screaming isn’t an option? There are alternative ways of handling negative feelings of […]

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