I’m in slug mode and feeling lazy today. Much to do but I can’t get off the sofa.
Now I’ve voiced my personal status. I’m back to being a holistic practitioner. Here i go…. (drum roll)
Now most of our major holiday eating is over let’s talk about getting your body back to a more alkaline state. Starting Wednesday 1/2/19 or sooner, begin to cut back on carbs and sugar and focus on plant base diet. Eat twice as much vegetables than fruit. Cut back on animal protein and carbs by half or more.
Body inflammation is the number one cause of health breakdown. I see this all the time in my office at the Healing Place when clients ask me to rebalance their gut health. I am part of a lot of people’s new year’s resolution. (I’m honored that some have put my services on the same level of joining a gym.) There is no reason to gain so much weight over the holidays. And there is no reason to make your health a second priority.
If you are thinking of including reflexology services as part of your wellness plan, call the Healing Place 508-359-6463. To get to talk to me, Helen Chin Lui and we will put together an action plan to work on get your health back in a short time.
#healingplacemedfield #reflexology #energyhealing #chakras #positivity #ENERGY #mindbodyspirit #selfhealing #holistic #health #energymedicine #mindfulness #holistichealth #holistichealing

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