
Tagged: block energy

Protect Your Energy From Energy Vampires #EnergyMedicine #ProtectYourAura #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

October 19th, 2023 | block energy

People are social animals. We used to connect in person or by phone, but many of us reduced our socializing with quick updates via text or glancing at various social media profiles. You can protect your energy from energy vampires with energy medicine.   Protect Your Energy From Energy Vampires We want to be seen, […]

Video: How Does Blocked Energy Affects Your Digestive Health?

November 4th, 2017 | block energy
stomach pain

All you know that you are storing your emotions and your stomach is killing you. Learn how to support your second and third chakras and balance gut energy  with Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui

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