
Tagged: HealingPlaceMedfield

Ear Reflexology To Relieve Pain Dangerous Clothespin Method

December 23rd, 2016 | HealingPlaceMedfield

Ear Reflexology To Relieve Pain Dangerous Clothespin Method Please help me by sharing this post to stop circulating a dangerous clothespin ear reflexology tip As a professional Certified Reflexologist, I pride myself on my expertise and professionalism. I have helped thousands of people to find relief from various health issues using ear, hand, and foot […]

White Bean and Ham Soup Recipe

December 18th, 2016 | HealingPlaceMedfield

From the Healing Place’s kitchen, warm soup from our heart to yours. Prep Time: 20 minutes to cut up vegetables Bean Soaking Time: 12 hours or overnight Cooking Time: 2 hour or more Serves 16 Recipe can be cut in half or doubled. In a large stock pot (16 qt) add the following ingredients – […]

Is There Really a Secret to Inner Peace?

August 12th, 2016 | HealingPlaceMedfield

Everyone has their definition of what inner peace is. You may describe it as feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually at peace with yourself. Inner peace is an important tool that helps you to navigate through difficult times. It can be as easy as “letting go” of the unnecessary clutter and chaos of the mind. If […]

Sweet Potatoes and Yams for Liver Detoxification?

April 21st, 2016 | HealingPlaceMedfield

Liver detox purification tip -The many health benefits of sweet potatoes and yams As far as how many potatoes and yams are appropriate per day. It is best to limit them to being part of one meal or one snack per day. Sweet potatoes and yams are best. They are cooling in nature, and they […]

Ear, Hand and Foot Reflexology Therapy – Randomized Controlled Study Of Premenstrual Symptoms

October 9th, 2015 | HealingPlaceMedfield

By Terry Oleson, Ph.D., and William S. Flocco, ARBC Certified Reflexologist. www.americanacademyofreflexology.com The following Abstract appears at the beginning of the Research Study Published in 1993 for readers to gain a quick overview of the study to determine if they would like to look into reading the entire published study. Objective: To determine whether reflexology […]

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