
Tagged: mindful eating

Can You Eat Healthier with Mindfulness? #MindfulEating #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe

December 2nd, 2023 | mindful eating

We eat unconsciously without putting a lot of thought as to what we are putting into our bodies. How do we stop letting food dictate what we eat and instead make more conscious decisions about food? Unconscious eating, also known as mindless or emotional eating, occurs for various psychological, physiological, and environmental reasons: Emotional Triggers: Many […]

Become a #ConsciousEater with #Mindfulness #ReflexologyNearMe #EnergyMedicinefortheSoul #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

November 14th, 2023 | mindful eating

I’m amazed at how we unconsciously eat and don’t know much about the food we eat, let alone knowing if we are eating nutritiously. Mindfully take control over the way you eat and don’t let food dictate how you should eat.  Unconscious eating, also known as mindless or emotional eating, occurs for various psychological, physiological, […]

Self-Care Video Course 14 – Holistic Remedies to Relieve #Constipation and E-Book: #HandReflexology #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #wellness #selfcare

September 18th, 2022 | mindful eating
woman holding her stomach in pain

Are you tired of constipation? Have you tried everything to relieve constipation pain, and nothing is working? Try hand Reflexology for non-invasive constipation relief. Maybe you had too much dairy, sugar, alcohol, or red meat? Perhaps stress and anxiety affect your digestive health. You can’t sleep, and you are overthinking.   Many suffer from chronic Constipation […]

Mindful #Digestion For Health #Nutrition #wellness

September 15th, 2022 | mindful eating
woman making heart on belly

Simple Steps You Can Do Mindfully to Aid in Your Digestion Process Chew your food! – A saying that I love teaching clients and constantly remind myself as well! I can’t stress the importance of chewing your food thoroughly. Check out our other article “Do I Really Have to Chew 40 times?” Avoid carbonated drinks […]

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