Reflexology Apprentice Now is a Certified Reflexologist! The Healing Place LLC is pleased to annouce as of December 15, 2020 apprentice Maureen Jennings is now a Certified Reflexologist with the Integrative Reflexology School in Rhode island.. Maureen is joining the Healing Place by offering relaxation reflexology on weekends beginning January 14, 20201. If you would […]

I was taught the spine have 22 sets of nerve ends that are attached to every organ, gland, and body function. Here is another version is this 24 organ spine map. I’m not too sure what is the cabcum. It can be part of the intestines. If you know what it is please share with […]

Remember it’s not your fault nor is it your responsible how people react and how they interpret information. Some discussions can trigger an unsolved emotion. Be thankful that you are a witness to their emotional growth. Sometime it takes a 1000 repeats before a life lesson is learned.

As soon you have an emotion, good, bad or indifferent, does it hit your stomach? Has your stomach put you on a schedule? Do you have to plan your activities around when your stomach will less likely to flare up? It usually starts with childhood. Someone says something unkind to you, a parent, teacher, or […]

Your Immune System Never Shuts Down The body is constantly under attack by pathogens, allergens, and dangerous microbes that are waiting to grow and spread if your body’s immune system is weak. If your immune system is strong you have a better chance of fighting off foreign substances. Most health problems are caused by stress […]
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