Improve Digestion to Prevent Coronavirus, Flu, Respiratory Illness with Hand Reflexology The benefit of having a healthy digestive system that it can prevent harmful pathogen from invading your body. Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui shares what she does every day to keep herself health. This tip comes from her FREE course, […]

Coronavirus, Flu, Respiratory Support and Relief with Hand Reflexology As a public service, Certified Reflexologist Practitioner Helen Chin lui is offering a FREE course: Coronavirus, Flu Relief and Respiratory Support Hand Reflexology. Coronavirus, Flu, Respiratory Support and Relief with Hand Reflexology shows how to build and support your body functions with hand reflexology. Once you […]

Take Steps to Protect Your Health There is so much news about the Coronavirus and the flu. Everyone is worry and afraid of contracting these illnesses. There are many ways you can protect your health by taking basic protective measures. During the winter months, we have a tendency to stay indoors more. If you work […]

Awaken Your Inner Healer with Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation We are proud to offer a 4 part Foot Relaxation to Promote Relaxation that you can learn from the privacy of your home. This 4 part series includes Introduction to Reflexology How to Use Your Hands, Thumbs, and Fingers in a Reflexology Session without tiring […]

Elderberry Syrup Benefits and Recipe Elderberries naturally contain vitamins A, B, and C to help stimulate the immune system. Research has found elderberry syrup can be helpful to relieve cold and flu symptoms or helps to shorten the sick time. Elderberry syrup can be made with a variety of spices. If you do not like […]
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