
Tagged: wellness

Fascinating Facts About Your Incredible Hands

June 13th, 2016 | wellness

My Reflexology colleague, Bill Flocco, of the American Academy of Reflexology in California, has compiled another list of fascinating facts about hands. There is more information to come. Let’s face the fact that we take our hands for granted. What can you do without your hands? Not very much. If you observe what your hands […]

Healing Place’s Chakra Balancing Services

May 27th, 2016 | wellness
sitting person with chakras

The Healing Place is proud to offer a variety of Chakra Balancing Services to balance all of your chakras so that you feel physically and emotionally healthy,  joyful and full of energy. Health – What causes of energy interruption in your vital organs and glands. Correcting chakra energy flows in all organs and glands. Stuck […]

Why I love soups! 

March 18th, 2016 | wellness

In addition to the nutrition value, soups are easy to eat, easy to digest, can calm the digestive tract,  and just comforting. I usually make my stock from scratch using the bone from a  rotisserie chicken and freezing stick and use as needed.  Because I cook so much I have most of the ingredients in […]

Demystifying Holistic Terms – FREE Talk

February 5th, 2016 | wellness

Healing Place’s 10Th Year Anniversary Celebration FREE Energy Booster Drop-Ins February 24th, 7-8pm Demystifying Holistic Terms As part of the Healing Place’s 10th anniversary, we want to invite you to drop in and celebrate with us. Our first FREE Energy Booster Drop-In we are going to demystify what are holistic, alternative therapy, complimentary care and […]

Reflexology for Emphysema

October 31st, 2013 | wellness

by Bill Flocco, Director of the American Academy of Reflexology. www.americanacademyofreflexology.com A 55-year-old lady suffering from emphysema experiences dramatic relief from her symptoms and greater ease of breathing. Emphysema is surprisingly prevalent among people who smoke pipes, cigars or cigarettes, those who live or work in highly polluted areas, such as around spores, herbicides and […]

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