

What COULD be causing Your Digestive Discomfort? #Reflexology #SelfHelp #ChronicDigestivePain

August 19th, 2022 | eating

Having chronic stomach pain? Did you know that various parts of the stomach can cause different types of discomforts? Check out Self-Healing video courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com to learn more about digestive pain! Foot Reflexology for Digestive Relief (IBS, Acid Reflux, Constipation, Slow Digestive Motility) Are you tired of your doctor suggesting what medication you should […]

Can food Affect Your Pain Level? #Reflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #HealthyFoods

June 15th, 2022 | eating

Everything we eat affects our bodies. As tempting as ice cream or chocolate look, it can trigger body inflammation. Learn more self-care video techniques at the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com What is body inflammation? When the immune response overacts your body no longer can tell the difference between healthy body tissues and antigens. Your immune system begins to […]

Video: Do you have stomach pain? Do you wonder what’s happening? #GastrointestinalTract #Reflexology #SelfHelp

June 5th, 2022 | eating

Are you having abdominal pain? Sometimes physical pain can be caused by emotional distress. It is hard to know what is the cause of abdominal pain. Want to be proactive with your health? There is much you can do. Starting today, check out self-care and self-healing courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com.   How does emotional pain manifest […]

Have stomach pain after eating? #GastrointestinalTract #Reflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp

June 3rd, 2022 | eating

What you eat should not cause you pain. All  food we eat affects our entire being. Food allergies are the most common issues causing bloating and other digestive problems? Want to be proactive with your health? Check out HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com for self-heal and self-care video courses to support healthy digestion.  Live Stream 2-part Digestive Support with […]

Is Sugar More Addicting Than Cocaine?

March 25th, 2021 | eating
white-brown- and-brown-sugar

As I learn more about sugar and what sugar can do to a body the more aware of how much sugar I am eating daily. Most of my sugar intake comes from grain products and fruit smoothies. Even though I am not a big fruit eater but I love drinking fruit smoothies. As healthy as […]

Do I Need to Chew 40 Times?

November 8th, 2019 | eating
girl eating apple

Have you ever wonder why your mother used to tell you to chew your food all of the time? In most cases, your mother figured that you didn’t know how to chew your food, and she worried that you were going to choke. Choking may happen, but there are other health benefits to eating thoroughly. […]

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