
healthy eating

Can food Affect Your Pain Level? #Reflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #HealthyFoods

June 15th, 2022 | healthy eating

Everything we eat affects our bodies. As tempting as ice cream or chocolate look, it can trigger body inflammation. Learn more self-care video techniques at the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com What is body inflammation? When the immune response overacts your body no longer can tell the difference between healthy body tissues and antigens. Your immune system begins to […]

Have stomach pain after eating? #GastrointestinalTract #Reflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp

June 3rd, 2022 | healthy eating

What you eat should not cause you pain. All  food we eat affects our entire being. Food allergies are the most common issues causing bloating and other digestive problems? Want to be proactive with your health? Check out HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com for self-heal and self-care video courses to support healthy digestion.  Live Stream 2-part Digestive Support with […]

Mindful Choices for Healthy Living

January 6th, 2022 | healthy eating

Healthy Habits Begin Today It’s never too early or too late to be healthy, but not everyone knows where to start. A combination of diet, exercise, and work-life balance can go a long way toward improving the quality of your life. There are so many choices you can make to help to improve your physical […]

Conscious Choices For Healthy Living

September 20th, 2021 | healthy eating
peppers and lemon

Healthy Habits Begin Today It’s never too early or too late to be healthy, but not everyone knows where to start. A combination of diet, exercise, and work-life balance, can go a long way toward improving the quality of your life. There are so many choices you can make to help to improve your physical […]

What Foods Reduce Body Inflammation?

April 15th, 2019 | healthy eating
orange, red, green, yellow peppers

Most Americans eat a too acidity diet. An acidity diet consists of too much grains, meat, sugar, dairy, and meat that can become the seed to illnesses and diseases. It is suggested to eat a plant-based diet of more than 50% of your daily food consumption. Here is a short list of foods you can […]

Foods and Habits to Avoid to Eliminate Body Inflammation

January 16th, 2017 | healthy eating
fruits and vegetables

Growing up in an Asian household we were taught many things. One of lessons was the importance of conscious eating. What does that mean? Eating the right balance of foods that would not upset the body’s “chi.” The list went on and on (in a good way). Eating lessons have been imprinted into the back […]

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