Do you feel like your energy is heavy and dense? You know something is wrong with your chakras but you don’t know what to do? You can rebalance your chakras with Chakra 101 -Know Your Energy! What are Chakras? Chakra has a Hindu (Sanskrit) root, which means wheel or disk. All living […]
healthy living
Correct Your Chakra Energy Imbalances with Chakra 101 Know Your Energy #EnergyMedicine #KnowYourChakras #Chakra101KnowYourEnergy #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
August 1st, 2023 | healthy livingStop Suffering From a #SummerCold? Support Your #Respiratory with #Reflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
July 30th, 2023 | healthy livingIt is awful to catch a cold during the winter months, but catching a cold during the summer is worse and is the ultimate immunity disappointment. We think we are immune to catching colds during the summer; instead of enjoying the sun, we suffer from congestion and runny noses. How Does a Summer […]
Mindful Grounding Can Keep You Focus, Productive, and Balanced #MindfulGrounding #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
July 28th, 2023 | healthy livingAre you daydreaming too much? Can’t focus, but you know you have a lot to do? Has everything become a distraction? Try mindful grounding to help you find your focus. Staying grounded is how we stay centered while connecting to ourselves and to others while being mindful of our environment. When we lose […]
Manage Gout and Support Healthy Kidney Function with #FootReflexology #GoutKidneyDisease #ManageGoutPain #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #reflexologynearme
July 26th, 2023 | healthy livingAre your toes joint red-hot and painful? You can’t eat anything without feeling your feet flaring up with pain? You can’t put on your shoes because of the pain? You might have Gout! Try Foot Reflexology to manage Gout and Kidney Function. What is Gout? Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs due […]
Mindful Habits to Slow Down the Aging Process #MindfulHabitforAging #MindfulOralHealth #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
July 18th, 2023 | healthy livingWhile aging is a natural process that changes the entire body, including your oral health. You can incorporate mindful habits for aging gracefully. To slow aging, regular exercise, including low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or yoga, can help maintain joint flexibility, strengthen muscles, and support overall joint health. Eating a balanced diet rich in […]
Manage Restless Leg Syndrome Pain with #FootReflexology #RestlessLegSyndromePainRelief #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
July 16th, 2023 | healthy livingAre your legs keeping you awake because they can’t stop moving? Do you have uncomfortable sensations in your legs like aching, throbbing, pulling, itching, crawling, or creeping? You might have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS.) Try Reflexology to relieve Restless Leg Syndrome pain and get some sleep! What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)? Also […]
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