
healthy living

Can Dislodged #EarCrystals Cause #Tinnitus? Try #EarReflexology #SelfCareReflexology #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 30th, 2023 | healthy living

Tinnitus is commonly characterized by ringing or buzzing in the ears. Tinnitus has long been associated with exposure to loud noises from concerts, construction sites, or excessive headphone use. However, emerging theories suggest that there might be alternative causes for this bothersome condition. One such approach that Tinnitus could be related to crystals lodged in […]

Using Reflexology to Calm #PTSD #NervousSystem #ReflexologyforNervousSystem #ReflexologyNearMe #NerveCalm #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 28th, 2023 | healthy living

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can profoundly impact a person’s well-being. While traditional therapeutic approaches are valuable, alternative methods such as Reflexology have gained attention for their potential to help calm the PTSD nervous system.    PTSD can occur in all people and at any age. PTSD affects approximately […]

Can Your Illness be Caused by Bacterial Biofilm? #ConstantSick #CompromisedImmuneSystem #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #ReflexologyNearMe

August 26th, 2023 | healthy living

Have you been chronically ill? Or slow to heal? How bacterial Biofilm can make you sick? What you need to know about managing harmful bacteria. Try Reflexology to support your immune system   What is Bacterial Biofilm? Bacterial Biofilms are densely packed mixtures of bacteria, fungi, yeasts, algae, and microbes that stick together in a […]

August is Time to Pile on the Vitamin D for the Winter Months Ahead #VitaminD #BuildyourImmuneSystem #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 21st, 2023 | healthy living

  By August it will be time to think about stocking up on your Vitamin D for the fall and winter months. Vitamin D, calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in food, but also can be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Vitamin D exists in several […]

Include Stillness in Your Wellness Plan #StillnessandMindfulness #InnerPeace #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 18th, 2023 | healthy living

  In a world that constantly buzzes with activity and clamor, the importance of being still is overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of productivity and achievement. We wonder why we haven’t created the life we want due to ceaseless rushing and wanting. Find inner peace with mindfulness and reflexology!   Finding moments of stillness holds […]

Got Gout? Let #FootReflexology Manage and Support #KidneyFunctions #ReflexologyNearMe #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

August 16th, 2023 | healthy living

Gout doesn’t do anyone good! You can do something about Gout! Be proactive by making minor changes in your diet, lifestyle, and attitude! Try incorporating alternative healing like Reflexology to help you manage Gout while supporting kidney functions!   Healthy People Have a less chance of getting Gout A gout is a form of arthritis […]

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