Digestive disorder statistics

  • Over $12 billion is spent on various digestive medications annually (2004)
  • 236,164 deaths in 2004 were documented as due to digestive disorder diseases.
  • There are more than 104 million ambulatory care cases (people admitted to hospitals for digestive disorders) each year (2004)
  • White females between the ages 15-65+ are affected by digestive disorder more frequently than white or black males.

Helen Chin Lui is a certified Reflexologist and certified Energy Medicine Practitioner. She has been seeing clients with digestive disorder since 2006. She has compiled a 14 page report with some interesting facts, observations, and energetic traits about five common digestive disorder, indigestion, heartburn, constipation,Ā  irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and liver, kidney and spleen function.

The information in this report was compiled over a six year period as a Reflexologist and Energy Medicine Practitioner, from her past and current clientsā€™ digestive disorder experiences.Ā  She has seen many people (men, women, teens, children and infants) with various digestive disorders consisting mostly of constipation, acid reflux, indigestion and/or IBS issues.

She would love to share the information with you. She will be discussing these common digestive disorder cases that she sees at her office on a weekly basis, and how reflexology and energy medicine helps. She also share ways that you can use these techniques safely in your home. These tips that she is sharing are for informational purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with a health provider before starting any new health regimen.

Watch how you can obtain this great report. Coming soon!

Helen Chin Lui is a certified Reflexologist and certified Energy Medicine Practitioner. She is the owner and founder of the Healing Place located in Medfield, MA. She specializes in helping people with digestive disorders. If you would like to schedule a free 30 minute consultation or would like to make an appointment, call 508-359-6463. For more information about her services, visit www.healingplacemedfield.com.


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