Healing Place’s 10Th Year Anniversary Celebration
FREE Energy Booster Drop-Ins
February 24th, 7-8pm
Demystifying Holistic Terms
As part of the Healing Place’s 10th anniversary, we want to invite you to drop in and celebrate with us. Our first FREE Energy Booster Drop-In we are going to demystify what are holistic, alternative therapy, complimentary care and integrated nutrition? What is the difference? Which one should you seek out? Will it compliment your current traditional medical care?
We will also be discussing the importance of meditation and why we all need to do this.
If you have any questions or register for this workshop by calling 508 359-6463 emailing us at [email protected]
Where: Healing Place, 50 North Street, Medfield, MA 02052
For more information about the Healing Place, visit www.healingplacemedfield.com
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