Get Off the Cliff and Live Your Life

Do you know how to dream big? Dreaming big gives us permission to expand our lives or start over. Give yourself the permission to let go and stretch. Think about the changes you want to make and make an action plan or resolutions. Resolutions are fun if they are kept, but not so fun when interest is lost.  

We all start off with the best of intentions and believe we can make change, then something happens; then we can’t keep our commitments. The main reason? It is too hard, takes too much effort and time or just plain laziness.

According to statistics, 80% of resolutions fail by February. Oh boy! I have heard of many excuses, some I have given myself. Instead making excuses, let this year be your LEAP year and do something out of your comfort zone.

Stop standing on a CLIFF and Take a Leap of Faith

What does CLIFF mean?

C – Can’t find the time (Too much trouble, effort, and too much money)
L – Lacking the motivation to keep you going (You have to know why do you want this to begin with)
I – Ignoring your commitment and falling into old patterns and habits (Laziness)
F – Frustration because you aren’t getting the instant gratification
F – Forgetting why you started. This is common. Know Your why you are doing this.

Changes require work. I have never seen changes come by luck alone. It takes dedication to make positive life changes happened. You can have success within time.

Make a Plan to Get Off the Cliff

Start with small steps. It is overwhelming when you are looking at the big picture and you don’t know how and where to start. Look at the view instead of standing on the CLIFF.
Make a plan and stick to it.
  • If you know you need to lose weight, then plan accordingly.
  • If you are working too hard, look for ways to balance your life. If you need to move stagnant energy, make time for movement.
  • If you need to find “me” time to be quiet with your thoughts, put it in your schedule.
  • If you know you are eating out too much or eating the wrong foods, then make a change.

Find Support or Accountability Buddy

Find a family, partner, or friends to support you on the journey. It can be a lot of fun make discoveries together but don’t let your goals become a competition. Support each other!

Keep Track of Your Progress

Online apps are great of keeping you on track or if you like to journal, make time to enter progress, thoughts, and emotions. Take time to check in internally. Don’t let one bad day be your excuse and all the sudden you are having a string of bad days.

Start today!

Claim your powerful energy by knowing who you are by learning about your personal energy flow, the chakras. Instead of inconsistent energy flow, you can become the master of your universe. Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui can teach you to break negativity cycle and attract good physical and emotional health with her book, and online class “Know Your Chakras: Introduction to Energy Medicine”.  Everyone has the ability to feel better, you just need to know how.
“I am amazed how this book felt like it was written just for me! Helen’s dedication and writing brilliance is evident in her must read book and provides us the road map in order to achieve a wonderful and balanced life! This book offers a “healthier” way of living that all of us desire!” by K. Green
Get your copy, Know Your Chakras today.

About the Writer

Helen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master and Teacher. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and the Healing Place Energy School LLC in Medfield, MA. USA

About the Healing Place

The Healing Place LLC specializes in helping adults and children to find long term relief with chronic digestive problems and chronic pain, and balances hormones naturally. Our healing tools are Reflexology, Chakra Balancing and Reiki.  We offer in-person healing sessions and phone consultations for individuals who are looking for a way to incorporate alternative care into their wellness programs. For more information, call (508) 359-6463, or schedule a consultation by going to

For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healingclick here.


Helen is wonderful, very concerned and knowledgeable.  She has helped me immensely each time I saw her during my cancer treatments.  I recommend her highly. 

Jon S.

CEO, A Technology Company

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