
Tagged: digestive

Low Carb Vegetarian Protein Foods

June 1st, 2015 | digestive

Are you a vegetarian interested in reducing the carbohydrate in your diet? Depending on what you’ve been eating before changing to a low carb (or lower-carb) diet, you may have to pay more attention to getting enough protein, as some of the usual sources of protein for vegetarians, such as whole grains, come with a […]

Stomach and Constipation Relief Meditation

May 29th, 2015 | digestive

Are you stressed, and can’t relax your nerves or stomach? We all live in such a busy time, that it’s hard for us to find time for relaxation. We have so many events that we try to fit into our days as though they were puzzle pieces trying to be jammed together. Ouch! Instead of […]

Bananas: natural medicine for digestive problems, depression and more

May 17th, 2015 | digestive

(NaturalNews) The banana plant is an herbaceous, flowering plant indigenous to the tropical regions of India, northern Australia and Southeast Asia. Its fruits, which are recognized by their crescent shape, yellow skins and sweet tastes, are one of the oldest crops cultivated by mankind and remain the most popular fruit consumed in the United States.(1) […]

I Love Ginseng Tea!

May 14th, 2015 | digestive

For all you tea lovers out there, I just wanted to share my love for a nice warm cup of soothing ginseng tea (preferably the Korean kind). After I get home at night, I usually pour myself a nice cup, which helps me to relax and process my day. Not only is it relaxing and […]

7 Ayurvedic Secrets For Healthy Digestion

May 12th, 2015 | digestive

I had never heard of Ayurveda before, so I decided to dig a little deeper to find out what it was all about. It is one of the world’s oldest holistic (whole-body) healing systems. It was developed thousands of years ago in India. It is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on […]

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