Creating Consistent Joy What creates joy and avoiding burnout are subjects I have been thinking about lately. What is joy? How do we obtain it, and how do I sustain it? There is so much pressure to create joy for everyone during the holidays that it becomes a competition. We compare ourselves to the staged […]
Tagged: happy
Creating Consistent Joy – Energy Medicine Tip
January 7th, 2022 | happyBe Happy
March 27th, 2020 | happyBe Happy Being happy is a choice. We all want to be satisfied, but we think that happiness comes to us through someone else or purchases we made or making money. Happiness has to come from within and not chase elusive rainbows. Happiness is subjective. What makes one person happy may make another upset or […]
Wishing you #peace #gratitude #happy #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
June 23rd, 2017 | happyWishing you #peace #gratitude #happy #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool peace gratitude healingplaceenergyschool happy healingplacemedfield Questions? Contact Us [vfb id=’1′]
Choose Happiness Now!
September 5th, 2016 | happyDo you think waiting for what you want will make you happy? One of the things I noticed about being happy and getting happy is that they are NOT interchangeable. We think by waiting for something—perfect job, perfect marriage, lose that 20 pounds, get that diamond bracelet, whatever—those things or events in our lives are […]
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