
Tagged: healingplaceenergyschool

Chakra 101 – Know Your Energy- The 9 part Course

April 7th, 2021 | healingplaceenergyschool

Chakra 101 – Know Your Energy Everyone can activate self-healing through mindful practices. Instead of feeling consistently uplifted and happy, many people feel out of sync. Many do not understand how their energy flows nor what to do when their energy feels stagnant or blocked. All you know you aren’t feeling well or something doesn’t […]

Video: Reiki Healing Meditation

February 17th, 2021 | healingplaceenergyschool
two women

Reiki Healing Meditation For those interested incorporating alternative therapies into their daily wellness program each week Robin and Helen explores various aspects of holistic healing practice and we end with a healing meditation. Please join Reiki Masters Robin Bornstein and Helen Chin Lui of the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com for a live Reiki Healing Meditation every tuesday at […]

Benefits of Having Healthy and Uplifting Chakras

January 23rd, 2021 | healingplaceenergyschool

If your seven chakras are healthy, each will rotate clockwise on your spine from the tailbone to the crow

Get A Full-Body Reflexology Treatment Just By Taking Off Your Socks

January 17th, 2021 | healingplaceenergyschool
ink on feet

You’ve made space in your schedule for self care, and now are contemplating how best to fill it. Here are three reasons to try Reflexology therapy-.

Video: Find Tinniutis and Ear Ringing Relief with Ear Reflexology

January 14th, 2021 | healingplaceenergyschool
ear reflexology model

Reflexology Can Relieve Tinniutis and Ear Ringing I found an interesting article in Reflexology News about how Reflexology can help with the pain and frustration associated with Tinniutus. At least 10 percent of American adults suffer from Tinnitus, a condition that causes sufferers to hear constant phantom noises in the ears, which have been described as ringing, buzzing, whistling, hissing, […]

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