
Tagged: healthy eating

Can food Affect Your Pain Level? #Reflexology #Stomach #SelfHelp #HealthyFoods

June 15th, 2022 | healthy eating

Everything we eat affects our bodies. As tempting as ice cream or chocolate look, it can trigger body inflammation. Learn more self-care video techniques at the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com What is body inflammation? When the immune response overacts your body no longer can tell the difference between healthy body tissues and antigens. Your immune system begins to […]

How To Eat Right For Your Thyroid

June 16th, 2015 | healthy eating

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped organ that sits at the front of the neck. It’s the primary regulator of the metabolism and has a huge impact on our endocrine function as a whole. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as memory loss, sudden weight gain or a slowing down of all processes

Low Carb Vegetarian Protein Foods

June 1st, 2015 | healthy eating

Are you a vegetarian interested in reducing the carbohydrate in your diet? Depending on what you’ve been eating before changing to a low carb (or lower-carb) diet, you may have to pay more attention to getting enough protein, as some of the usual sources of protein for vegetarians, such as whole grains, come with a […]

Key Ingredients for a Healthy Heart

May 30th, 2015 | healthy eating

As the weather warms and schedules become packed with summer sports and activities, it can be easy to let your heart healthy diet slide to the bottom of the priority list. With a dash of planning and a spoonful of creativity, summer meals can taste as good as they are nutritious and give you the […]

How to Avoid Body Inflammation

May 21st, 2015 | healthy eating

We’ve all experienced inflammation. Think of that sprained, swollen ankle, that cut finger, or that miserable head cold. Inflammation makes its presence known in a rather loud, unmistakable way; it hurts, it can be swollen, and warm to the touch. This is acute inflammation and is a beneficial and necessary part of our immune system. […]

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