
Tagged: negativity

Do You Need a #Meditation to Dissolve and Heal #Negativity? #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #SelfCare

October 7th, 2022 | negativity
man holding his legs

How often do you find yourself in a negative cycle, and you can’t seem to break out? We all get into an ugly rut and feel as though we are stuck. By learning to be mindful, you can talk yourself out of an ugly situation before spiraling into a dark hole. Most of the time, […]

12 Part Video Course – Chakra 101: Know Your Energy

October 27th, 2021 | negativity
seventh chakra purple

  Activate self-healing through mindful practices by Knowing Your Chakra: Introduction to Energy Medicine   Chakra 101: Know Your Energy 12 Videos Course We all want to feel consistently uplifted and joyous. Instead, you feel out of sync or displaced. Many of us do not understand why our energy flow begins to feel stagnant, stuck, […]

Replace Letting Go With Dusting Off Negativity

March 19th, 2021 | negativity
dusting off hands

Replace Letting it Go with Dusting Off Negativity We all move through life with different expectations, experiences, and stress factors. Learning how to overcome negative thought patterns, stress, and life’s challenges are real. I believe one thing we all can agree upon is that we all have stress. Stress is relative to how well we […]

Keep Your Energy Healthy and Flowing

June 9th, 2019 | negativity

It wasn’t until the 1800s that French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur and German physician and pioneering microbiologist Robert Koch discovered some bacteria that could cause fatal and physical deformation diseases such as tuberculosis and smallpox. People started to understand the importance of keeping themselves clean to help prevent such illnesses. Those discoveries were a […]

Break the Cycle of Negativity Now!

May 14th, 2016 | negativity

As a family therapist I’ve often heard parents say Time-Out doesn’t work, but as soon as we discuss further it becomes very clear that there is confusion to its purpose. TIMEOUT IS NOT A PUNISHMENT – IT’S A LIFE SKILL ON TAKING RESPONSIBILITY Sadly in my work I have met so many adults who can’t […]

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