
Tagged: reflexology

Video: Strengthen Kidney Functions with Foot Reflexology

January 12th, 2021 | reflexology
pressing on foot reflexology

Strengthen Kidney Function with Foot Reflexology Certified Reflexologist Helen Chin Lui made this video while working with a client who thought she had a blood clog and went to the ER. She came the next day for a reflexology session to have her kidney checked out. Helen worked on all her reflex points for every […]

Video: Pneumonia, Flu and Cold Busting Foot Reflexology Tip

January 8th, 2021 | reflexology
reflexology on feet

Pneumonia, Flu, and Cold Busting Reflexology Tip Pneumonia, Flu and Cold season are here! No one wants to be sick! Seasonal illnesses are preventable with proper care Illness Prevention Wash your hands. Cold and flu viruses may be spread by indirect contact.  Washing your hands is the best way to prevent getting sick. Get vaccinated. […]

Self-Care Home Course: Hand Reflexology to Release Stress and Anxiety

January 6th, 2021 | reflexology

Self-Care Course: Hand Reflexology to Release Stress and Anxiety When I receive feedback LIKE THIS, I am reminded WHY I got into the field of selfcare in the first place! It brings me great JOY to know I am helping another live a more quality life. Who isn’t Stress and Anxious? No one is exempt […]

New Reflexologist Joins the Healing Place LLC

January 6th, 2021 | reflexology
woman in a red sweater

Reflexology Apprentice Now is a Certified Reflexologist! The Healing Place LLC is pleased to annouce as of December 15, 2020 apprentice Maureen Jennings is now a Certified Reflexologist with the Integrative Reflexology School in Rhode island.. Maureen is joining the Healing Place by offering relaxation reflexology on weekends beginning January 14, 20201. If you would […]

22 Sets of Nerve Endings Located on the Spine

December 27th, 2020 | reflexology

I was taught the spine have 22 sets of nerve ends that are attached to every organ, gland, and body function. Here is another version is this 24 organ spine map. I’m not too sure what is the cabcum. It can be part of the intestines. If you know what it is please share with […]

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