Reflexology Palliative and Cancer Care We will all eventually face the end of life. No one is exempt from this club. Wouldn’t it be ideal if we pass away peacefully in our sleep and in our beds? For those people undergoing aggressive treatment for cancer, many times, there is no peaceful way of passing. Cancer […]

Fertility Support with Reflexology The fetus in the featured picture means a great deal to her mom and me. Her mom, Kate, has been coming to the Healing Place LLC for fertility Reflexology therapy since 2018, after years of trying to conceive. Fertility Statistics According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one […]

Sciatica Relief with Reflexology We love making spontaneous, on-the-spot, Reflexology tips during healing sessions. It is not unusual for us to pull out a camera and begin filming. The Healing Place’s clients are so appreciative how Reflexology therapy has helped them to find relief with their health issue that they want to share! Many clients […]

Holistic Tools to Defuse Stress and Anxiety Everyone has stress and anxiety; how you manage your stress is a choice. We can quickly become overwhelmed with every day living. I am no different from anyone else. The only difference, most times, I am aware when I am entering into a stress and anxiety zone. To […]

Video: Reflexology Tip to Calm Hyperactive Disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHA) is one of the most common childhood disorders. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Trusted Source, it is estimated 6.4 million US children diagnosed with this disorder. This condition is also known as attention deficit disorder (ADD). A child diagnosed with […]
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