
Tagged: Reiki

Desperate Plea for Digestive Pain Relief

May 23rd, 2016 | Reiki

I received a call from someone who was desperately looking for help with her digestive problem. She was in so much pain and wanted immediate help, so she started researching online and found the Healing Place. Without introducing herself, she went into her story and explained how much pain she was in and how she […]

Are You an Reiki Energy Believer?

April 30th, 2016 | Reiki

Terri Reynolds, 56, knows the exchange well. She says, “Reiki.” They say, “Huh?” She says, “Energy healing.” They say, “Hocus-pocus.” But for Reynolds, who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2011, reiki is anything but. The practice – which usually involves a practitioner placing his or her hands on or above a client to facilitate […]

Flower Essences Can Enhance Your Life? – FREE Talk

April 17th, 2016 | Reiki

Healing Place’s 10Th Year Anniversary Celebration FREE Energy Booster Drop-Ins May 9, 2016, 7-8pm  Flower Essences Can Enhance Your Life? As part of the Healing Place’s 10th anniversary, we want to invite you to drop in and celebrate with us. People are starting to hear about the powerful healing effects of Flower Essence but don’t […]

New research shows Reiki aids the wellbeing of cancer sufferer

March 31st, 2016 | Reiki

As a new study shows that at least half of the population will get cancer at some point in their lives, a University of Huddersfield research project claims that the complementary therapy named Reiki can improve the quality of life for cancer patients by lowering their levels of anxiety, depression and fatigue. The findings are […]

The healing power of reiki

March 28th, 2016 | Reiki

This article, by Issue Editor Trevor Courneen and excerpted from Newsweek’s Special Edition, Spiritual Living, The Secret to Peace and Happiness, explores the power of Reiki and of an open mind. Hands are, deceptively, the most essential weapon at a doctor’s disposal. Whether they’re handling a scalpel, administering a vaccination or setting a broken bone, […]

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