
Tagged: self care

Video Premiere: Gassy Intestinal Relief with Body and Foot Reflexology, Feb 26, 2022, 11am EDT

February 25th, 2022 | self care
stomach pain

Unrelenting Intestinal Gas My poor husband suffered from gassy intestinal late one night that felt as though an explosion went off in his GI tract. I did an emergency reflexology session at 2am. I decided to make this video to help you if you suffer from explosive and painful gassy intestines. Chronic Constipation Statistics The […]

Self Heal Video Courses HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com

January 11th, 2022 | self care
healing place energy school

Self Care and Self Healing Online Courses for Your Health Helen Chin Lui is honored to create haved 25 courses just for you! One of the most impressive aspects of the human body is its ability to heal itself. Still, many people give away their ability to self-healing power to doctors, medication, and surgeries. By […]

Kidney Support to Prevent Kidney Stones with Foot Reflexology Self Care Video Course

December 3rd, 2021 | self care

Do you know what your kidneys do for you 24-7? The urinary system’s primary purposes are to eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and blood pressure, while maintaining electrolytes and regulating metabolism and blood Ph. The kidneys are part of the renal system including the ureters, bladder, and urethra which serve as passage, […]

Asthma, COVID, Cold, Flu, Respiratory Relief with Hand Reflexology Video Course

November 29th, 2021 | self care

Take Steps to Protect Your Respiratory Health with 4-Parts Hand Reflexology Healing Everyone is afraid of contracting air borne bacteria that can affect their respiratory functions. There are many ways you can protect your health by taking basic protective measures. In the warm months moist air promotes mucus production that coats the nose and respiratory […]

Self Care Holistic Medicine Video Courses HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com

November 8th, 2021 | self care

Self-Care Holistic Medicine Video Courses For the Home Healer HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com creates self-care holistic medicine courses for home healers. Self-care has always been viewed as being selfish. Without adequate self-care, how can you be the best version of yourself? It is easy enough to become depressed and anxious while the state of the world is saturated […]

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