
Tagged: selfcare

Empaths Can Live Peacefully with Rule Keepers – #EnergyMedicine #Chakras #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #Mindful

October 13th, 2022 | selfcare
asian woman and blond woman smiling

As an empath, how often do you get frustrated trying to get along with the rule keeper? Too many rules and no wiggle space cause an uncomfortable interaction while depleting your energy. Empaths and Rule Keepers can co-exist in a peaceful environment, but it takes mindfulness and patience.Ā  Ā  There are thousands of archetypes of […]

Mindful #Digestion For Health #Nutrition #wellness

September 15th, 2022 | selfcare
woman making heart on belly

Simple Steps You Can Do Mindfully to Aid in Your Digestion Process Chew your food! – A saying that I love teaching clients and constantly remind myself as well! I canā€™t stress the importance of chewing your food thoroughly. Check out our other article “Do I Really Have to Chew 40 times?” Avoid carbonated drinks […]

Check out #FootReflexology to Drain #Edema

July 16th, 2022 | selfcare
person holding foot edema reflexology

You have the power to activate your inner healer and do something about the swelling in your legs and ankles. Try the ancient and non-invasive healing of Foot Reflexology. Video Course: Holistic Kidney Health with Foot Reflexology One out of ten Americans over the age of 20 have evidence of kidney disease. Some forms of […]

Stressed about money? Break the scarcity cycle Some people attract money with ease and some struggle to make enough. There is enough abundance for everyone. Join the 6k viewers who broke their scarcity cycle

November 17th, 2021 | selfcare

Stressed about money? Break the scarcity cycle Some people attract money with ease and some struggle to make enough. There is enough abundance for everyone. Join the 6k viewers who broke their scarcity cycle. Attracting Financial Powers in 6 Ways Healing Place LLC Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages break the […]

Chakra Healing – Read, Feel, and Interpret Positive Energy – Online Course

November 14th, 2021 | selfcare
Holistic medicine with pendulum

Ā See, Feel, and Interpret the World of Energy! Even though we are surrounded by energy but we miss vital information all of the time. How did we lose our ability to see, observe, and feel? Instead of being mindful of lifeā€™s cues, we dismiss these messages because we rush through the process or ignore them.Ā How […]

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