
Tagged: sleep

What Essential Oils Can Ease Anxiety and Stress

August 21st, 2015 | sleep

For people struggling with chronic stress, everyday anxiety is an all too common problem. To help lessen your worries and unwind your mind, it’s crucial to take steps like practicing mind/body techniques (such as meditation) and talking to a mental health professional. There’s also some research showing that the scent of aromatherapy essential oils may […]

Foot Reflexology for Your Best Night Sleep

August 10th, 2015 | sleep

Foot Reflexology for Your Best Night Sleep What could be sweeter than a night of peaceful, restful sleep? That’s time for your mind and body to restore and heal. Through your dreams, your subconscious mind makes sense of the events of your day, and your superconscious mind or “higher self” brings you guidance toward a […]

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