
Tagged: stress free

Make Time to Stop and Enjoy Your Life! #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #StressFree #Reflexology #SelfCare

July 8th, 2022 | stress free

Balancing work and family can be stressful!Ā  Don’t forget to take time to enjoy life. Schedule time to be with family, friends, see a show or go for a hike. Head over to HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com for more helpful self-care tips. If you the type of person who is trying to be all things to all people, […]

Need a get away? #stress #selfhelp #positiveenergy #anxiety

April 25th, 2022 | stress free

Need a break from life’s stress? Sometimes taking a “vacation” isn’t a physical trip but a “mental” break. Pause and meditate to declutter your mind. Need more tips? Check out our proactive, self-help courses at HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com Why Meditate? 19 Chakra Healing Meditations for Positive Energy Flow The purpose of meditation is to alleviate stress and […]

Did you breathe today? #reflexology #selfhelp #stress

April 16th, 2022 | stress free

Did you know breathing helps with relieving stress. Check out my courses to see how!

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