Holistic Medicine News

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The Healing Place – Boston-Medfield, Massachusetts USA

The Latest Posts from The Healing Place’s News Blog

The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and our self worth. It will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let it into your thoughts. Remember what you think will be your reality.

The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and our self worth. It will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let it into your thoughts. Remember what you think will be your reality.

The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and...

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Got a Weak urinating stream, or Slow or Incomplete? – Foot Reflexology Tip to support bladder functions. https://youtu.be/nHGPA3PgZFY #bladdderleakage #urinating #wellness #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness

Got a Weak urinating stream, or Slow or Incomplete? – Foot Reflexology Tip to support bladder functions. https://youtu.be/nHGPA3PgZFY #bladdderleakage #urinating #wellness #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness

Got a Weak urinating stream, or Slow or Incomplete? - Foot Reflexology Tip to support bladder functions. https://youtu.be/nHGPA3PgZFY #bladdderleakage #urinating #wellness #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness...

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Adrenal fatigue relief with hand and foot reflexology. Easy tips you can do to reduce stress and to come back to balance. The majority of the population has some level of Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is a depletion of Cortisone hormones levels due to prolonged stress that causes the body’s inability to respond to stress. Some symptoms include feeling overwhelmed, low blood sugar, physical and mental fatigue, brain fog, depression or can’t get out of bed. Please share with anybody who have these symptoms. They will love you. https://youtu.be/PLWgjNsFP_U #adrenalrelief #adrenalfatigue #Handreflexology #wellness #Footreflexology #helenchinlui #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #empower

Adrenal fatigue relief with hand and foot reflexology. Easy tips you can do to reduce stress and to come back to balance. The majority of the population has some level of Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is a depletion of Cortisone hormones levels due to prolonged stress that causes the body’s inability to respond to stress. Some symptoms include feeling overwhelmed, low blood sugar, physical and mental fatigue, brain fog, depression or can’t get out of bed. Please share with anybody who have these symptoms. They will love you. https://youtu.be/PLWgjNsFP_U #adrenalrelief #adrenalfatigue #Handreflexology #wellness #Footreflexology #helenchinlui #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #empower

Adrenal fatigue relief with hand and foot reflexology. Easy tips you can do to reduce stress and to come back to balance. The majority of the population has some level of Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is a depletion of Cortisone hormones levels due to prolonged...

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It’s been a while since I’ve done a live talk. I have been under the weather and didn’t have the energy. Let’s say I do a live “Ask the Reflexologist” on Sunday 7/25@11am edt? would you be up for it? If I get enough yeses and thumbs up I’ll make it happen. This show’s topic “activating your inner healer with Reflexology”. #innerhealer #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness #selfcare #healthylifestyle #holistichealth #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool

It’s been a while since I’ve done a live talk. I have been under the weather and didn’t have the energy. Let’s say I do a live “Ask the Reflexologist” on Sunday 7/25@11am edt? would you be up for it? If I get enough yeses and thumbs up I’ll make it happen. This show’s topic “activating your inner healer with Reflexology”. #innerhealer #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness #selfcare #healthylifestyle #holistichealth #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool

It’s been a while since I’ve done a live talk. I have been under the weather and didn’t have the energy. Let’s say I do a live “Ask the Reflexologist” on Sunday 7/25@11am edt? would you be up for it? If I get enough yeses and thumbs up I’ll make it happen. This show’s...

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Client with #gout learned that #cod and #haddock #fish cause gout flair ups. Why? Some fish have High #purine than others creating too much #uricacid. I had her look into low purine foods and by eliminating certain foods there hasn’t been a gout flare up fir a while. She thank #reflexology for helping her to feel better. The doctors wanted to give her a #cortisoneinjection for the pain and said nothing about eliminating food. #healingplacemedfield 508-359-6463 #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Client with #gout learned that #cod and #haddock #fish cause gout flair ups. Why? Some fish have High #purine than others creating too much #uricacid. I had her look into low purine foods and by eliminating certain foods there hasn’t been a gout flare up fir a while. She thank #reflexology for helping her to feel better. The doctors wanted to give her a #cortisoneinjection for the pain and said nothing about eliminating food. #healingplacemedfield 508-359-6463 #HealingPlaceEnergySchool

Client with #gout learned that #cod and #haddock #fish cause gout flair ups. Why? Some fish have High #purine than others creating too much #uricacid. I had her look into low purine foods and by eliminating certain foods there hasn’t been a gout flare up fir a while....

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Inner strength – is the belief that you can do anything, overcome anything and manifest anything. It is a feeling of deep faith that comes from deep in the soul. Times when the journey looks tiresome and difficult can be overcome with just believing. #stopthemaddness #believe #havefaith #overcome #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool

Inner strength – is the belief that you can do anything, overcome anything and manifest anything. It is a feeling of deep faith that comes from deep in the soul. Times when the journey looks tiresome and difficult can be overcome with just believing. #stopthemaddness #believe #havefaith #overcome #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool

Inner strength - is the belief that you can do anything, overcome anything and manifest anything. It is a feeling of deep faith that comes from deep in the soul. Times when the journey looks tiresome and difficult can be overcome with just believing. #stopthemaddness...

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 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA

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Healing Place
The Secret of Happiness is to be FREE OF FEAR. Fear is a toxin that runs through most of our conscious and even unconscious thinking. FEAR feeds on insecurities, feelings of loss and loneliness, inadequacies and attachments. FEAR makes us question our abilities and our self worth. It will prevent you from reaching your goals if you let it into your thoughts. Remember what you think will be your reality.
Support Lung and Respiratory with Hand https://youtu.be/o0BO-k17iDM #handreflexology #respiratoryhealth #wellness #selfcare #energyhealing #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool
Got a Weak urinating stream, or Slow or Incomplete? – Foot Reflexology Tip to support bladder functions. https://youtu.be/nHGPA3PgZFY #bladdderleakage #urinating #wellness #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness
Adrenal fatigue relief with hand and foot reflexology. Easy tips you can do to reduce stress and to come back to balance. The majority of the population has some level of Adrenal Fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is a depletion of Cortisone hormones levels due to prolonged stress that causes the body’s inability to respond to stress. Some symptoms include feeling overwhelmed, low blood sugar, physical and mental fatigue, brain fog, depression or can’t get out of bed. Please share with anybody who have these symptoms. They will love you. https://youtu.be/PLWgjNsFP_U #adrenalrelief #adrenalfatigue #Handreflexology #wellness #Footreflexology #helenchinlui #healingplacemedfield #HealingPlaceEnergySchool #empower
Can’t #sleep? Foot #footreflexology to ease your body into a good night rest #wellness #sleepdeprived #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield https://youtu.be/8xfuD6z7xos
How to deal with #Nausea with foot #reflexology Thank you robin @cleanse_your_aura https://youtu.be/RRaWxDTIngg #healingjourney #vomiting #healingplaceenergyschool #healingplacemedfield
#ocd #relief with #reflexology #healingplacemedfield 508-359-6463
Breaking #vomiting #cyclicvomitingsyndrome and rebalancing #mastcellactivationsyndrome with #reflexology #healingplacemedfield 508.359.6463
It’s been a while since I’ve done a live talk. I have been under the weather and didn’t have the energy. Let’s say I do a live “Ask the Reflexologist” on Sunday 7/25@11am edt? would you be up for it? If I get enough yeses and thumbs up I’ll make it happen. This show’s topic “activating your inner healer with Reflexology”. #innerhealer #footreflexology #energyhealing #wellness #selfcare #healthylifestyle #holistichealth #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool
Client with #gout learned that #cod and #haddock #fish cause gout flair ups. Why? Some fish have High #purine than others creating too much #uricacid. I had her look into low purine foods and by eliminating certain foods there hasn’t been a gout flare up fir a while. She thank #reflexology for helping her to feel better. The doctors wanted to give her a #cortisoneinjection for the pain and said nothing about eliminating food. #healingplacemedfield 508-359-6463 #HealingPlaceEnergySchool
Chronic Canker Sore Outbreak
Inner strength – is the belief that you can do anything, overcome anything and manifest anything. It is a feeling of deep faith that comes from deep in the soul. Times when the journey looks tiresome and difficult can be overcome with just believing. #stopthemaddness #believe #havefaith #overcome #healingplacemedfield #healingplaceenergyschool
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
reflexology on feet Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
digestive tract Reflexology Healing Medfield MA
 Reflexology Healing Medfield MA