Don’t forget to come by and say hello to Helen Chin Lui at Medfield Day on Saturday, September 15 from 9 – 3 pm on North Street,Ā boothĀ #49. She has a lot of fun install for you.
Now that it isĀ ragweed season Helen will be doing a Hand Reflexology demonstration to clear up stuffy noses and drain sinuses at 10:30, 12:30 and 2 pm. It will only take a few minutes and you will be on your way toĀ clearer sinuses. You even get a chart to take with youĀ so you don’t forget how to do the hand techniques at home.
While you at the booth, sign up a free raffle – 30 minute Reflexology session. Fun!
If you have never tried Reflexology and have questions aboutĀ how this incredible energy therapyĀ can help you to find long awaited relief from digestive disorders, chronic pain disorders andĀ to balance hormone naturally talk to Helen aboutĀ schedulingĀ a 15 minute, free consultation while you are at her booth or give her aĀ call atĀ 508 359-6463.
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