By Steven Bancarz| Part of “waking up” means learning to recognize what type of personality you have. Learning your emotional, physical, and psychological tendencies can help you understand yourself better and prevent suffering in your life. More and more, people are beginning to realize that they fit into the category of “empaths”.
An empath is someone who has the ability to apprehend the mental and emotional states of other people. These people have a high social-intelligence and are very good at helping others through their problems. Unfortunately, in doing so, empaths tend to take on a heavy emotional burden since they end of feeling what others around them feel.
Being able to recognize that you are sensitive to energy is important, because so often in life we tend to think what we are feeling has arisen organically within us. What if some of our thoughts, emotions, and feelings are a result of the people in the same room as us? Or people we are close to in life?
Here are 8 common traits that empaths and energetically sensitive people have. How many of these can you relate to?
1) You feel other people’s emotions, even when they aren’t present
Being an empath, you are able to pick up on the energy fields of others even when they are not around you. They might be on the other side of the city or even the country, and you are still able to pick up on their emotions. For someone who is this sensitive to energy, it’s good to get into the habit of asking yourself: “Are these emotions mine?”
A lot of suffering can be prevented if you learn to recognize that sometimes what you are feeling is a result of someone else’s energy field, not a result of something happening in your own life.
2) You feel overwhelmed in crowds
Large crowds are just too much energetic transfer to take on in large doses. Too much stimulus and too much foreign energy can completely suck the energy out of an empath. You prefer small groups of people or solitude to going to large gatherings, because they are too exhausting to handle.
3) You are sensitive to lights, sounds, smells or touches
You get overwhelmed easily by bright lights, and have a very acute sense of taste, touch, and smell. Being an empath means that you have a mind-body that is inherently more sensitive to all energy in general, even electromagnetic energy and sensory data.
4) You “know” things you do not have any evidence for
You are able to “know” things inside yourself that you have no logical evidence for. In other words, you have a very strong intuition and can pick up reads that give you knowledge into things other people can’t see yet. Being energetically sensitive, you may be able to look at someone and tell that they are bad news and that they should be avoided.
Maybe you have told your friend that their partner is not trustworthy and that you just have a “feeling” about it, only to find out later that they were cheating on them.
5) You get told you are too sensitive
You get told that you are too sensitive by people around you. You feel more, process more, and experience a greater depth of feeling than most people.
6) You know you are being lied to, even when you can’t prove it
You are able to read body language really well, and are able to mentalize the emotion and psychological states of others. When people are lying to you, you notice a shift in their energy field and in their tone of voice. You know that THEY know they’re lying, and you have a good idea of what exactly is taking place inside of their energy field. Being an empath gives you a very strong bullsh*t detector.
7) You have a hard time watching violence on television or the movies
Violence on television is overwhelming for you at times, because you are able to put yourself into the other person’s shoes and feel exactly what it would be like to experience something like that. Even though it is just acting, you are launched into the psychological and emotional space as if it were happening in real life.
8) You instinctively avoid energy vampires
You instinctively avoid relationships and encounters with people that you know will suck the energy out of you. Having experienced energy vampires in the past, you know how to recognize the signs of an energy vampire, and your energy field develops a sort of energy vampire repellent to instinctively protects you against encounters with them.
Chances are, many of these traits apply to you. It can be very burdensome and draining to live as an empath. Most of us have a hard enough time trying to manage our own feelings and emotions, let alone those of people around us.
Living as a empath may not always be easy, but living as an empath with victim mentality is a sure-fire way to put the keys to your happiness in the hands of the world around you. You are more than just an energetic sponge. You have will power, choice, and volition. Don’t be afraid to step into your power and take back control over your energy field.
If you would like to better understand your energetic system and avoid overloads, call the Healing Place Medfield at (508) 359-6463 to schedule a FREE consultation.
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