I developed eczema around my eye several years ago, I researched the many possibilities as to what can cause the skin irritation. For those who don’t know, there are seven common types of eczema, and this is what I learned –

Atopic dermatitis – Can be caused by certain allergens or hay fever. The skin becomes dry and scaly causing painful, itchy patches that turn into bubbles that eventually break and leak fluid. This condition can be chronic.

Contact dermatitis
– Can be caused by allergens or irritants from animals, plants, foods, chemicals in cleaning and personal hygiene products, and fabrics.

Dyshidrotic dermatitis – Are small, fluid-filled, intensely itchy blisters that form on hands and feet.

Neurodermatitis – Is an intensely itchy rash that can form on any surface of the body. It is most commonly found on the arms, legs or back of the neck.

Nummular dermatitis – Is a scaly patch that may occur after an insect bite, abrasion or burn.

Seborrheic dermatitis – Is commonly found on the scalp and presents itself as yellow, flaky patches.

Stasis dermatitis – Is a rash that occurs on the lower extremities due to poor blood circulation.

After one year of ignoring the symptoms, I knew I had to do something about the itching and scratching. One of my eyelids started to droop from the swelling, and I was diagnosed with Atopic Dermatitis, a condition that can begin during infancy and continue throughout adulthood.

My skin condition started at the age of 60, and the symptoms were getting worse, so I had to find a solution. I began by seeing my dermatologist, and we did a chemical allergy test, and I learned that I was allergic to blue dyes. I had no idea what products contained blue dyes since I try to use products that do not contain scent, preservatives or additives. The dermatologist gave me a prescription for steroids to relieve the swelling (which I decided not to take), but he never mentioned anything about foods can be the cause. He referred me back to my primary care doctor for further testing.

I asked my primary care physician to conduct a food intolerance test, and I was surprised to learn that my body doesn’t tolerate tree nuts, certain types of fish, and dairy. My snack food was almonds, and I consumed almost a pound a week. I also learned that I have an underlying allergy to chocolate. (I didn’t think I was eating that much.)

My research tells me that healing begins in the gut. Even though I eat a balanced diet, I had to focus more on an alkaline diet comprising of even more vegetables and less meat. I am still addicted to bread and grains, but I am conscious of how much of it I eat. I have converted from commercially processed bread to sprouted bread, and I started eating quinoa instead of rice. I still enjoy my sweets, and I allow myself one piece of chocolate per day as I don’t believe in depriving myself of everything.

When I started to eat sprouted food, I had no idea what it is. You may be now wondering the same. Sprouted bread is healthier than traditional bread as it uses the whole grain. During the process, sprouted grains go through a rigid and controlled protocol by growing in water, then drained, dehydrated, and grounded. The process not only makes the bread easier to digest because proteins and carbohydrates are broken down, but vitamins are  enhanced in the process. Sprouted grains have been around since ancient times, but it is only now it is making a comeback.

Another method I used to improve my digestion is drinking 3 – 4 cups of hot water along with another 4 cups of room temperature water. I stopped drinking ice water because it slows down the digestive process. I would also add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to two of those cups mentioned  to aid in digestion and also helps to reduce body inflammation.

Another excellent product to support digestive health is bone broth. I make a bone broth from a powder that I found at the supermarket.

I even make my own skin salve to help moisturize my skin. One of the biggest complaints about eczema is the skin gets so dry and scaly. Once the skin becomes dry, the itching begins. It becomes a vicious cycle of discomfort.

Eczema Salve Recipe

This mixture will make approximately 4 ounces, and you will need
1, 4-ounce jar or 4, 1-ounce, air-tight, sterile jars. Use all organic products if possible.

In a double boiler on medium-low heat stir and melt completely (about 5-6 minutes)
2 tablespoons of beeswax pellets
4 tablespoons of jojoba oil

Turn heat down to low, add and stir until everything is melted and incorporated (another 5 minutes)
6 tablespoon of coconut oil
2 tablespoon of shea butter
Take off heat and stir in 3 drops of Lavender essential oil (optional)

Once the ingredients are melted and combined, you will need to move QUICKLY pour mixture into jar(s). Otherwise, the lotion will congeal quickly after it coming off the heat. If this happens, gently reheat your pan again over the double boiler. Don’t forget to scrape the mixture from the bottom of the pot and add to your jar. DON’T pour any of the mixture down your drain as it could clog it. You can use the salve immediately.

My hopes these tips will help you heal your skin.

About the Writer, Educator, Healer and Film Maker

helen giving reflexologyHelen Chin Lui is a Certified Reflexologist, Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, and teacher. She is the owner of the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC.

Healing Place Energy School LLC

Want to learn more about energy flow? Become a member of the HealingPlaceEnergySchool.com. We offer an array of Energy Medicine, Mindful, Reflexology, Meditations, and Self-Awareness courses. These are empowering self-care and self-help classes that teach lifelong skills.

Healing Place LLC

Healing Place LLC specializes in helping people of all ages to break pain cycles of chronic pain, chronic digestive problems, and balances hormones naturally. Learn how Reflexology can support physical and emotional health; schedule a FREE consultation on the HealingPlaceMedfield.com website or call (508) 359.6463.

Helen Chin Lui’s Books

Get Helen’s Books today and help her cause. Know Your Chakras and Foot Reflexology to Promote Relaxation.

To Purchase either Foot or Ear Reflexology Model

For Helen’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healingclick here.

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