Healing Place LLC is pleased to announce a new division: Healing Place Energy School LLC, an online school that solely focuses on teaching self-healing energy classes.

Founded on June 1, 2017, by Certified Reflexologist and Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner Helen Chin Lui, the school offers classes on Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Mindfulness Development, Angel Healing, Energy Medicine, Meditation, and more.

“Everyone can regain the ability to self-heal,” Chin Lui said. “I’m passionate about teaching how to activate our natural, inborn capacity to self-heal. With desire, commitment, knowledge, and intention, everyone can create a life of vibrancy and physical, emotional and spiritual health.”

The Healing Place Energy School offers classes for the novices who are just beginning to explore natural healing arts, and advanced classes for those seeking knowledge to add to their healing tool bag.

Visit us for more information Healing Place Energy School and Healing Place‘s services

About the Healing Place LLC and Healing Place Energy School LLC

Healing Place and Healing Place Energy School LLC, are located in Medfield, MA USA, We specialize in helping people of all ages to find relief from chronic digestive problems, chronic pain, and to balance hormones naturally with Reflexology, Chakra Balancing, and Reiki. To learn more about our services and classes, or to schedule a consultation call 508 359-6463 or go online to www.healingplacemedfield.com

For the Healing Place Medfield’s free report “Proven Alternative Ways to Heal Common Chronic Digestive Problems: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know Can Keep You From Healingclick here.

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